No Smoking Means No Vaping on Public Transport

No Smoking means no vaping

To maintain a comfortable and healthy environment for everyone, a vaping ban has been introduced on public transport in NSW. This rule is an extension of the established no-smoking policy and encompasses all forms of smoking, including e-cigarettes.

Vaping can result in a fine up to $550.

Commuters should be aware that vaping on public transport can lead to a penalty of up to $550. We urge passengers to consider the impact of their actions on fellow commuters.

By refraining from vaping on public transport and at train stations, individuals contribute to a more considerate and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone. The goal is to foster a sense of community and respect among passengers.

The "No Smoking" signs displayed at public transport stations are inclusive of vaping. Passengers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these signs and comply with the regulations in place.

As we approach the holiday season, let's make the journey enjoyable and respectful for everyone.