Get in touch
For Busways services in NSW and SA
General enquiries
Feedback and complaints
Transport Info - Bus Feedback Form
131 500
Enquiries, feedback and complaints
Adelaide Metro - Bus Enquiry Form
1300 311 108
TTY response
Hearing and speech impaired customers
1800 637 500

Lost property
Let us know if you’ve lost something on a bus service
Sydney Metropolitan and Central Coast
Lost Property Form - Transport Info
North Coast

Work with us
Employment and job-related enquiries
Busways careers information
(02) 9497 1800

Bus exterior advertising
For bus exterior advertising opportunities (NSW only)

Our Locations
Find our support office and bus depots across NSW and SA.
Our support office
Busways Group
5 Bridge St, Pymble NSW 2073Locked bag 1015, Gordon NSW 2072
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(02) 9497 1800
Our bus depots
Blacktown depot
150 Glendenning Rd, Glendenning NSW 2761Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Bulahdelah depot
36-38 Stroud Street, Bulahdelah NSW 2423Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Coffs Harbour depot
6a O'Keefe Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Grafton depot
64 Skinner Street, Grafton NSW 2460Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Gosford depot
42 Empire Bay Drive, Kincumber NSW 2251Open Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 5.30pm
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1300 69 2929
Heatherbrae depot
2370 Pacific Highway, Heatherbrae NSW 2324Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Kempsey depot
36-42 Nance Road, South Kempsey NSW 2440Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Laurieton depot
21 Hoschke Road, West Haven NSW 2443Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Macksville depot
2 Partridge Street, Macksville NSW 2447Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Penrith depot
47-53 Mullins Rd, Penrith NSW 2750Open Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 5.30pm
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1300 69 2929
Port Macquarie depot
6-8 Denham Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Raleigh depot
Lot 11 Bayldon Drive, Raleigh NSW 2454Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Ryde depot
49/75 Buffalo Rd, Ryde NSW 2112Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Wauchope depot
9 Wade Street, Wauchope NSW 2446Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929
Windsor depot
91 Mulgrave Rd, Mulgrave NSW 2756Open Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 5.30pm
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1300 69 2929
Willoughby depot
16 Stan Street, Willoughby East NSW 2068Open Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 5.30pm
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1300 69 2929
Wyong depot
40 Arizona Rd, Woongarrah NSW 2259Open Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 5.30pm
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1300 69 2929
Yamba depot
4 Favourite Avenue, Yamba NSW 2464Open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm
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1300 69 2929